
These are the video created by the Tholonia Project and are in some way related to the tholonic concepts. As such, many deal with what is currently seen as metaphysical or esoteric subjects. We categorize them this way because science has not yet expanded its thinking to include parts of reality that are just as real, if not more so, that this material spectrum we place most of our attention on. Science will eventually get there, and we can see early signs of this in the more bleeding edges of theory that require concepts of a multiverse, morphic fields, and consciousness-as-a-force to explain reality.

tMy tests with structured water (Part 1) IMAGE My tests with structured water (Part 1)

Making, using, and testing structured water, and also looking at other studies. Spoiler: There is absolutely a measurable difference in how SW differs from common water. I my own case, I experienced some surprising results.

tWhat IS Energy? IMAGE What IS Energy?

Energy, where it comes from, and why it exists. According to the tholonic model, energy is an instance of Awareness and Intention, and some aspects of this claim can easily be tested.

tIntroduction to Tholonia and the Tholonic Model IMAGE Introduction to Tholonia and the Tholonic Model

This is a first draft, ad hoc, and provisional attempt to create a brief overview of the tholonic model. It touches on: Awareness and Intention, Intelligence, Energy (in context), Research (and researchers), Models, Knowledge, Laws (of tholons), and Application.

tAwareness and Consciousness - what's the difference? IMAGE Awareness and Consciousness - what's the difference?

The tholonic model defines “awareness” and “consciousness” a bit differently than the dictionary.

tThe Ant God IMAGE The Ant God

My (entheogenically enhanced) experience with the Ant God

tAlien on 23rd Street IMAGE Alien on 23rd Street

This is a true story about an unexplainable event that happened 30 years ago, and was one of the driving factors behind the evolution of the tholonic model.

tCIA docs on 'Project Stargate' IMAGE CIA docs on 'Project Stargate'

CIA research into ESP, psychic energy, remote viewing, and some really far-out concepts of reality!

tAI Profiling at Home IMAGE AI Profiling at Home

This was a quick test to see how current popular AI systems, such as Stable Diffusion, fare at profiling people based only on their faces. It was surprisingly successful, IMHO, so, if I can do this offline on my laptop, imagine what’s already in place by our Dear Leaders?

tExperiencing the intelligences behind the processes of creation IMAGE Experiencing the intelligences behind the processes of creation

This was a rare type of OOBE, one where I was placed in a role where I had no awareness of my other existence in the body. “I” was this other… entity? expression? instance?… I’m not sure how to express it, but in that ‘other’ state, I was only and totally this ‘other’ consciousness and was only aware of this when I return to my body. The question that remains is, was I experiencing some form of archetypal consciousness, or was this the consciousness from which my current existence emerged from? I am leaning towards the later, as there were many symbolic and metaphorical parallels to my current reality. Perhaps both are true, as each of us, and everything that exists, it an instance of some archetype(s).

tTypes of OOBEs IMAGE Types of OOBEs

Brief overview of types of OOBEs, specifically methods of exit. There are a couple of short techniques, and a brief look at the arenas or levels in which OOBEs take place.

tIs the speed of light actually constant? Yes, but... IMAGE Is the speed of light actually constant? Yes, but...

It is, but only by convention and only in our spacetime reality. Beyond that, the speed of light, and even light itself, is quite different.

tImplicate/Explicate concept demonstrated IMAGE Implicate/Explicate concept demonstrated

Physicist David Bohm proposed the idea of implicate/explicate model as an alternative to the Uncertainty Principle. “He proposed that underlying physical appearances, the ‘explicate order,’ there is a deeper, hidden ‘implicate order.’ Applying this concept to the quantum realm, Bohm proposed that the implicate order is a field consisting of an infinite number of fluctuating pilot waves. The overlapping of these waves generates what appears to us as particles, which constitute the explicate order. Even space and time might be manifestations of a deeper, implicate order, according to Bohm.” (from SciAm). However, that same concept can be applied in the macro world we live in, as demonstrated by this video.

tLiving Archetypes IMAGE Living Archetypes

Archetypes are alive in that they have intelligence, consciousness, and intention, and consequently, a desire to remain sustainable. They are fundamental to creating reality, ideas, and perceptions. Thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are not only built on archetypes; the archetypes require them to continue existing.

tMultiple Consciousnesses IMAGE Multiple Consciousnesses

It’s convenient, even necessary, to limit our concept of a thing to that which is relevant only to our reality, and from an evolutionary perspective, what is relevant to our reality are very basic concepts like “will it kill me?”, “can I eat it?”, and generally maintaining a sustainable level of food, shelter, and reproduction. Yes, evolution is all about “me, me, me”. Appreciating the miracle of a tree or contemplating one’s navel is a luxury one can afford only after the necessities have been secured. Consequently, our understanding of many things is limited, through millions of years of programming (nature), and culture (nurture). It is from this paradigm that the concept of “I” emerged as a separate existence from everything “not I”. Consciousness, which we consider a fundamental prerequisite for the concept of “I”, suffers from this same limitation. From a perspective free of these conceptual limitations, it is not only easy to see, but hard to ignore that fact that we are not a single consciousness, but many consciousnesses embedded within each other. The only determining factor as to what what consciousness we are instantiating is where we choose to focus our awareness.

tTaunted by a jinn IMAGE Taunted by a jinn

An altercation with an adolescent Jinn in a lower astral ‘prison’ leads to computer weirdness.

tUninvited Parasites IMAGE Uninvited Parasites

Upscale well-dressed entities invade my room with the help of a low-class ‘witch’.

tSynthesized 'music' from 'notclock' app. No.3 IMAGE Synthesized 'music' from 'notclock' app. No.3

Synthesized ‘music’ from the ‘notclock’ app, which uses only the computer’s internal signal generator to creates short tones. The tones are all based on 432hz, and all the changes in tone or timing are based on the ‘harmonic series’ of 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, and 1/6.

tSynthesized 'music' from 'notclock' app. No.1 IMAGE Synthesized 'music' from 'notclock' app. No.1

Synthesized ‘music’ from the ‘notclock’ app, which that combines the long tones with the shorter tones.

tSynthesized 'music' from 'notclock' app. No.2 IMAGE Synthesized 'music' from 'notclock' app. No.2

This is the synthesized music from the ‘notclock’ app, which uses embedded MP3 data for the notes. This was an attempt to create ‘music’ based on the tholonic algo. I am not a musician and don’t even play an instrument, so this is more of as proof-of-concept thing. However, I have heard worse piano in beatnik bars and poetry slams.

tThe Material Reality IMAGE The Material Reality

(Rough draft of) the nature of energy, awareness, and consciousness in the material reality.

tThe Ghost Mirror IMAGE The Ghost Mirror

During an OOBE I could see ghosts, but only though a mirror. This suggests some things about how different non-physical realities interact.

tTholonic Trading Bot IMAGE Tholonic Trading Bot

This is a stock market/crypto trading bot that was built around the economic principles as described in the book Tholonia: The Mechanics of Existential Awareness).

The original idea, which has kinda fallen apart, is that the color of the border of the videos would represent the general subject of the video, like a visual ‘tag’.

  • RED: synthetically generated data that was somehow related to tholonic concepts.
  • YELLOW: Non-material reality experience, insights, anecdotes, etc., that somehow related to tholonic concepts.
  • GREEN: Supporting evidence, reasoning, or theories that support some tholonic concept.

This is not in use anymore, but I have been too distracted to bother to create new thumbnails.