The Book

The Book

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Individual Chapters

Ch. 0 πŸ“œ Introduction

Ch. 0 πŸ“œ Introduction

The concept that our reality is an illusion, a matrix, a simulation, or a dream is not new. From the earliest creation stories to our modern version of the Simulation Hypothesis, the story has always been the same: something appeared out of nothing. The details are left to our imagination, and there are countless perspectives on what this means for the meaning and purpose of life.

Ch. 1 πŸ“œ Chaos

Ch. 1 πŸ“œ Chaos

In the fundamental trinity of reality, that of chaos, energy, and order, chaos comes first. By definition, it exists before any thing exists. It is the engine of creation and annihilation and the always-present foundation of all existence. Chaos exists across a spectrum that stretches between the 0 of nothingness and the ∞ of somethingness. This is the 1st duality of creation from which all that ever was, is, or will emerge.

Ch. 2 πŸ“œ Energy

Ch. 2 πŸ“œ Energy

Nothing exists without energy, as everything is an expression of energy. This includes thoughts, archetypes, ideas, concepts, etc. Energy creates patterns, which create archetypes, which create form. Form and archetype are instances of the same expression in different contexts. Our understanding of energy (and all things) is limited by our ability to perceive and understand.

Ch. 3 πŸ“œ Order

Ch. 3 πŸ“œ Order

Introduction of Tholonic Model, a model of reality built on both new and well-established concepts. All that exists between 0 and ∞ is an expression of energy. Numbers represent the distribution of that energy and describe order, and order is a function of perception and understanding. Order has scope and hierarchical dependence, and each scope has its own laws and natural measure. Chaos is the baseline state of existence, and the order that arises does so to more efficiently return to a state of chaos. David Bohm’s implicate/explicate theory sheds light on the relationship between the appearance, or β€œrelativity” of order and chaos.

Ch. 4 πŸ“œ The Laws

Ch. 4 πŸ“œ The Laws

Each level of existence expresses the Universal laws according to the context and local laws it exists within. If awareness is an expression of energy, then we should expect to see these laws in action, but in a different context. Entropy is as much a philosophical concept as it is a physics concept as it is the law of balance. We look at entropy from various perspectives and in relation to chaos, the 2nd law of Thermodynamics, inertia, pattern, and oscillation. These are tied together in Newton’s 2nd law of motion which is deconstructed to a simple pattern, expanded upon, and re-applied to various contexts such as alchemy, electricity, and relativity.

Ch. 5 πŸ“œ Reason

Ch. 5 πŸ“œ Reason

Reason is a universal archetype with local instances which produce order within limited scopes and contexts and is therefore limited to that context. Human reasoning is limited to, and changes with, human contexts and abilities, but it is in accord with the instances of reason and structure of the system it exists within. All movement, or β€œwork” within these systems, being self-similar and redundant, is limited by these system’s structure or reasoning. All movement is an act of energy balancing itself. Structure and the inherent reasoning of a system’s structure exists only to facilitate that balance.

Ch. 6 πŸ“œ Information

Ch. 6 πŸ“œ Information

Just as there an unfolding of reality via chaos ⇝ pattern ⇝ order ⇝ integration, there is an unfolding of data ⇝ information ⇝ knowledge ⇝ understanding or sound ⇝ notes ⇝ scales ⇝ music. Order, being self-similar, naturally forms hierarchies, and the most stable of these hierarchies will be found at the optimal balance of the duality it exists within. This not only applies to the emergence of awareness but to the biological structure through which awareness is expressed as individual consciousness, which inherits these same properties and processes.

Ch. 7 πŸ“œ Structure

Ch. 7 πŸ“œ Structure

Structure is the relationship between elements, so anything that relates to anything has a structure. This is also true the conceptual structures of data, information, knowledge, and understanding, all of which are limited and defined by order, context and application and all of which are formed by relationships. Structure is self-similar, therefore it hierarchical in nature. All instances of a structure share the same fundamental properties of that structure.

Ch. 8 πŸ“œ The Thologram

Ch. 8 πŸ“œ The Thologram

This chapter contains detailed explanations of how the thologram came into existence from nothingness and the structures of, and within, the thologram with real-world instances. We explain and explore the thologram using geometry, math, colors, fractals, and numbers and apply some ancient and modern concepts to validate the redundancy of the thologram.

Ch. 9 πŸ“œ Instances

Ch. 9 πŸ“œ Instances

The nature of archetypes and their instantiation in various dimensions; the nature of dimensions in general; the geometry of archetypes; instances of archetypes, including quarks, atoms, molecules, batteries, consciousness, society; circuits and society as functional tholonic archetypes; the archetypes of knowledge and form.

Ch. 10 πŸ“œ Mind

Ch. 10 πŸ“œ Mind

β€œMind” in general refers to the processes in the application of intelligence that is inherent in the Awareness and Intentions of existence that exists on a spectrum of coherence. Consciousness is an instance of Awareness. An individual β€œmind” is an instance of Intention. The processes of β€œMind” creates self-similar patterns and is, therefore, a product of energy specifically for the purpose of creating balance which arises out of cooperation and conflict that results from Negotiation, Definition, and Contribution.

Ch. 11 πŸ“œ Fields

Ch. 11 πŸ“œ Fields

Fields carry and transmit information. Fields are fractal and can be made of fields. Tholonic fields are similar to morphic fields. Consciousness is a field. Ideas, concepts , beliefs generate fields. Review of field and meta-field research. Review of data storage and transmission if field information. Relationship between consciousness and gravity. Reality as field-memory. Encoding;/decoding of field data.

Ch. 12 πŸ“œ Application of Awareness

Ch. 12 πŸ“œ Application of Awareness

The intelligence and intention of archetypes and instances. Myths and deities as instances of tholonic archetypes. Coherent awareness and intention. The entropy of thought and entropy-debt. Structure as coherence. Qualitative energy. The influence of language in metaphysics, beliefs, and consciousness. The living archetype and its instance within Jungian β€˜ordering factors’, mystical tradition, and modern society. .

Ch. 13 πŸ“œ Predeterminism

Ch. 13 πŸ“œ Predeterminism

The path of least resistance on many levels. Emerging paths. The creation and existence of paths. Chaos and order in archetypes. Various concepts of β€œwork”. Tholonic instantiation.

Appx. A πŸ“œ About This Book

Appx. A πŸ“œ About This Book

Technical information the reader may want to know

Appx. C πŸ“œ Tholonic Math

Appx. C πŸ“œ Tholonic Math

A number is an archetype. Numbers require energy to exist and are abstract expressions of energy as well. For these reasons, we can imagine numbers as a types of resource.

Appx. D πŸ“œ Greek Gods

Appx. D πŸ“œ Greek Gods

According to Greek mythology, the world began with several primordial beings who begat some gods, who then begat even more gods, and so on. What follows is a brief overview of that begetting and the cosmic drama that typically follows the begetting of gods.

Appx. E πŸ“œ Hidden Images

Appx. E πŸ“œ Hidden Images

Just as there is data within data, there are pattern within patterns. As simple and obvious as this sounds, it have tremendous implications. Clear examples of this is how images can be hidden. or encoded, in music. Applying this same idea to the natural world we observe every day would suggest that even the simplest patterns hold yet undiscovered information about any variety of concepts.

Appx. F πŸ“œ An Unexpected Pattern

Appx. F πŸ“œ An Unexpected Pattern

In the course of writing this book, there was the need to generate sets of chaotic numbers from other sets of patterned numbers. In one case, the results presented a very unexpected pattern.

Appx. I πŸ“œ Market Data

Appx. I πŸ“œ Market Data

Given the arguments made so far, it should not be surprising that certain patterns exist, albeit obscured, within seemingly random data, such as the stock market. One test that anyone can test for themselves shows such a hidden pattern. In the example, we have 14 months of data (632,869 values) from the 1-minute chart of Bitcoin/ USD-Tether (BTC/USDT) from the Binance exchange from Jan 1, 2021, to Feb 14, 2022.

Appx. J πŸ“œ Structured Water

Appx. J πŸ“œ Structured Water

I personally experienced similar results to those reviewed in the animal studies. In my own experiments I created SW simply by spinning 1 liter of water with a chemical stirrer in a magnetic field made of 6 equidistant, and opposing, magnets glued to the outside of the water jar, which was about 6 inches at its widest part.

Appx. K πŸ“œ- William Sidis (W.i.P.)

Appx. K πŸ“œ- William Sidis (W.i.P.)

I personally experienced similar results to those reviewed in the animal studies. In my own experiments I created SW simply by spinning 1 liter of water with a chemical stirrer in a magnetic field made of 6 equidistant, and opposing, magnets glued to the outside of the water jar, which was about 6 inches at its widest part.

Appx. L πŸ“œ Thologram and Religion (W.i.P)

Appx. L πŸ“œ Thologram and Religion (W.i.P)

(THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS) The tholonic claim is that our understanding of reality is determined by the context of our understanding of the universally consistent laws. Because of this, we will see the same patterns through these different cultural lenses. Prior to modern science, it was religion that provided that lens, and over thousands of years, inspired and brilliant minds studied and philosophized on the nature of these god-given tenants in an attempt to unveil the mysteries of God, the Universe, and Life.